
Complete Attic Cleaning, Rodent Removal & Decontamination Services

We make sure your attic is clean and is in optimal condition.

Attic cleaning can be intimidating!  It’s the one part of the house that isn’t in plain view and, therefore, tends to go unnoticed are often left poorly maintained.

Given the opportunity, rats and other rodents would love to move in and make themselves at home. It would also become the breeding ground for molds and fungus.

Your attic may be the nursery for pests and germs

An attic cleaning services is mostly used as a modern compact store house to put away all the unnecessary junk. But all that undisturbed junk becomes the nursery for various pests. They can chew electrical wirings, shred insulations and being carrier of germs, can spread diseases. The attic must be properly cleaned and treated with disinfectants to get rid of these germs and hazards.

Should you be worried?

Pests are carriers of lots of germs, viruses and bacteria. Nothing can cause damage to a house faster than rodent infestation, and one of the most common areas for these destructive pests is the attic. Can you imagine taking out a box of old toys from your attic because of a new member in the family, and finding rat feces all over them? And if you have a centralized cooling or heating system the situation is more alarming as the air flow inside the house would also comprise of the contaminated air form the attic. That contamination would thereby circulates in the whole house and spread its roots in every corner of the household and manifest itself in the form of diseases.

What can you do about these attic issues?

You need to contact professionals like us to deal with your issues.

Our attic cleaning contractors have performed thousands of rodent control procedures, and with the proper treatment you will never have to worry about rodents in your attic again. With our expertise in insulation application and rodent control you will never have to worry about whether your insulation is saving you as much money as possible.

We will make sure that your attic which is now filled with dust will be dust free. You probably know that dust in your attic can go into the air that you breathe and that’s not healthy.

A lot of our customers also want to turn their attic into a bedroom or a study and we are glad to deal with the required decontamination and cleanup.

If you want to ensure a safe and healthy home by having a clean and decontaminated attic, call Attic Leader!

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Planning to clean your attic or remove insulation?
Get a free estimate from us today!